Toy Train Display

Our “Toy Train” display, sometimes referred to “Tin Plate” is an ‘O’ gauge [1/48 scale], or better known as Lionel. The 14-foot by 22-foot display consisting of three continuously running outer lines, an inter loop for a trolley also an upper loop that you can usually find Thomas the Tank Engine running. Four push buttons are used to activate the tracks that engineers of all ages can run. While this display has many of the Lionel items from 1950’s, there are some that date back to the 20’s and 30’s. However, there are many unique modern touches, such as, a large lift bridge, a flying saucer and lots of Houses with snow on the roofs and Christmas lights.

Locomotives running on this display will vary from steam locomotives to the modern diesels and everything in-between. The cars are a wide verity of old and new, box cars, tank cars, hoppers and passenger cars. One may even find a 4-4-0 Jupiter (featured in many Wild West movies), to a “candy car train”, circus train with giraffes, and other novelty cars traveling along the track to Area 51 train. Visitors may catch a glimpse of bandits, on a hand handcar, with trying to rob a train.

A unique feature of this display are pictures that adults can help young engineers find the actual item on this Toy Train Display.