
The WPMRM is always looking for members, and we would be thrilled if you would come on board. We have three types of members, which allows for flexibility in commitment.

*Note* To view the application you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

WPMRM memberships fall into three general classifications:

  • Active (Senior, Associate and Probationary Members)
  • Friend of WPMRM (Affiliate and Family Affiliate Members)
  • Honorary (Charter, Honorary and Special Members)

Active Membership

Applicants must be 18 year of age or older.

Membership requires a six-month Probationary Membership for which the fee is $15.00. During your six-month probationary period you are required to put in 18 hours of work for the WPMRM and attend at least one general membership meeting. The annual dues are $90.00 for Senior membership. To start the process of active membership, complete the application, checking the box for Senior membership and send it along with your check for $15.00 to the attention of the Membership Chairman at the above address.

Senior Membership applicants will be presented to the WPMRM Board of Directors for a membership vote at the end of the probationary period. After an affirmative vote by the Board, your name will be presented for a membership vote at the next general membership meeting, at which you must be present. Annual dues and assessments (key deposit) are due upon your acceptance into the membership. You are now a Senior Member and can exercise all the privileges of that membership; run for office, vote on issues, have a key to the building & library and operate the layout. You also may want to help to maintain the equipment, help maintain the building and grounds and participate in the activities of the museum. At the end of the probationary period, will be presented to the WPMRM Board of Directors for a membership vote. After an affirmative vote by the Board your name will be presented for a membership vote at the next general membership meeting at which time you must be present. Upon acceptance for membership you are expected to pay your annual dues.

Associate Membership is granted to Senior Members by the WPMRM Board of Directors when requested by the member for personal or business hardship reasons on a case by case basis. The annual dues for Associate Membership are $60.00 per year. The Associate Members lose their voting privileges, eligibility for holding office and door key privileges. Full Senior Membership status can be restored with the payment of current annual dues.

Membership cards are issued annually upon payment-in-full of dues for Senior and Associate Members. Dues are prorated based on the fiscal year of July 1st and run to the following June 30th. To maintain membership, member’s dues must be paid in full prior to the start of the September general membership meeting. Affiliate Memberships are valid for one (1) year from the date of issue. These memberships must be renewed annually.

We hope that one of these types of membership can meet your needs or desires. If you have any questions about membership in the Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum, please contact the Membership Chairman at (724) 444-6944, or e-mail the Membership Chairman.

Friends of WPMRM

These memberships are for individuals or families who enjoy model railroading as a hobby and would like to support our project, but cannot actively participate in the organization.

AFFILIATE Memberships are $35.00 per year. For an Affiliate Membership, complete the application and check the box for Affiliate Member. Send the completed form, with a check for the appropriate amount, to WPMRM attention Membership Chairman at the above address.

 Memberships are $70.00 per year. For a Family Affiliate Membership complete the application and check the box for Family Affiliate Member, but include the first name of spouse and first name and age of all children living at home. With this membership the member and his/her immediate family have free admission to the Holiday Train Show and will receive a copy of our monthly newsletter, The CONSIST.


These memberships are granted by action of the Board of Directors of the Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum to individuals who have done outstanding service for model railroading and the WPMRM, or presently provide necessary services to the WPMRM.